The "Gender Tipi" is a collective project realised in 2016.
It is a symbolic representation highlighting the contributions and specific needs of women in relation to their habitat and urban development.
The created space along with its production, the type of material and the colours used, represents hospitality, mobility, tolerance and peace. This project is based on the tipis developed previously by the artist Ute Lennartz-Lembeck.
This tipi is made of 1200 knitted or crocheted squares measuring 15x15cm. The finished tipi weighs 20 kilos; the structure is generally composed of bamboos sticks.
From April 2016, everyone was invited to send a knitted or crocheted square before the 31st of August 2016.
During September 2016, if you were in Brussels or nearby you were be invited to collectively sew the squares to form the tipi. Meeting locations and times were published in the Facebook group 'Gender Tipi'.
Exhibitions 2016 - 2017:
- Presentation of the tipi was done at the “Festival Expressions Urbaines” place du Luxembourg in front of the European Parliament in Ixelles (Brussels, Belgium), the 24th of September 2016
- The Gender tipi, the tipi for the integration of the gender perspective at the Third Conference for the Habitat (Habitat III) was installed at COAM, (Madrid Spain) in October 2016.
- Salamanca (Spain), December 2016.
- Cologne in Germany, April 2017
- Next cities for 2017: Matera in Italy in September, Germany and Spain in November
If the Project interests you or your city please don’t hesitate to contact us!
It will be a pleasure to answer to your questions.
Ute lennartz-Lembeck, Remscheid, Germany
Site Web:
Brussels contact
Anne Crochette, Ixelles, Brussels, Belgium
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